With social media marketing never having been more essential, it’s crucial that businesses are utilising social media analytics tools to keep an eye on their pages’ progress. Here are some of the key stats to keep track of, and how to keep an eye on things.
Why Use Social Media Analytics?
Without making use of social media analytics tools, you can’t hope to make the most of digital marketing. Therefore you’ll never know whether you’re spending your marketing budget right without the data to prove your ROI. Fortunately, there’s plenty of free and in-house analytics tools for you to keep track of when coordinating your all-important marketing campaign.
The Three Most Important Social Media Analytics Stats
These three data points are the most important places to start when it comes to utilising data to your advantage on social media.
- Volume – This is all about the level of interest in your company page’s posts and topics. That means counting social media analytics points like tweets and wall posts. This is all about the size of the conversation. Resultingly allowing you to make note of when engagement is at its highest and what that is in response to.
- Reach – Reach is all about how widely your social media posts are disseminated. It’s measuring how many people are seeing your content and is essentially counting elements like replies, retweets and clicks.
- Engagement – Are you looking at how far your message spreads, or how many replies and comments the content receives? Look at what people are reacting to, and use this data to create more content that gets people talking.
By utilising the free tools provided by social media platforms, you can keep track of most of these data points. Keep an eye on the data. As well as seeing what people are reacting to and sharing, and you can expect to produce a flourishing social media analytics based campaign.
Are You Using the In-House Analytics?
While there are lots of great free tools out there for social media tracking. Don’t forget the in-house analytics tools offered by many social media platforms. These can prove extremely useful when it comes to social media marketing. As well as being mostly free, as a bonus.
- Facebook offers in-depth metrics on the Insights tab of Facebook pages
- Instagram also uses the Facebook Insights tool
- YouTube offers the YouTube analytics dashboard
- LinkedIn has limited social media analytics data for your company page, with more features for premium accounts
- Twitter uses Twitter Analytics